
Peter Raffles is qualified as a negotiation trainer with the Program On Negotiation at Harvard Law School, and has taught negotiation, conflict management and mediation practice at the University of Technology, Sydney for over 15 years. Our training programs are highly experiential, and bring together the latest research and learning as well as Peter’s 20 years plus experience as a practitioner, mediator, and adviser.

Importantly, we can tailor our training for all levels of employees in your organisation – senior and mid-level managers, as well for operational staff.

Negotiation and Conflict Management:

Our training provides understanding on style differences, why different situations may call for different approaches, how to create value, how to deal with the hard ball, and importantly how to overcome impasse.

We also provide training in e-negotiation – now an essential part of everyday business. Online negotiations are fraught with complexities: we can help you to navigate them successfully.

And we provide training and coaching for people managing cross-cultural interactions.

Mediation and Facilitation Skills:

One of the topics on our Articles page asks what it is ‘To Be a Mediator?”. In summary, some of the ways mediators help restore equilibrium include:

  • Manage tension
  • Clarify issues
  • Reframe dialogue – away from blame, to problem solving
  • Balance information exchange
  • Provide structure
  • Manage timing
  • Manage confidentiality
  • Promote creativity
  • Assist with closure

All of the above are key elements of peace building, facilitation and mediation processes. To apply the skills requires dexterity and judgement. We can provide training in all of these areas.

Workplace Conflict Management:

We can provide training on the employment framework (contracts, awards, and enterprise agreement making and administration) and how to create value within this context.

We can also provide training to employees, supervisors and managers about bullying and harassment: what it is, what reasonable management taken in a reasonable way is, the boundaries on cyber bullying (e.g. Facebook and Twitter), and what to do in the event it appears at your workplace.
